Monday, April 12, 2010

TONIGHT!!! Overnight Celebrity Contest!!!
Celebrity Over Night Tournament is a single elimination music tournament taking place over four consecutive weeks at Pappa's Pub’s Sports Bar, Kent, WA. It will feature over 50 acts performing original songs, with artists matching-up round by round with the performers next to them in their respective tournament bracket. The winner of each match-up will advance to the next.
Solo artists and bands up to 6 members are welcome. It does not matter if your act is spoken word, rap, heavy metal, comedy, or whatever. It is not a problem if you have a drummer. As long as you write your own songs and have a singer to sing them, your sound will qualify. "This is a great chance for exposure at one of the best clubs in the North West, and a wonderful opportunity to perform in front of your peers and music industry professionals. For an entire month there is going to be an amazing amount of people who care about music in one place, at one time, under one roof." It is Free to apply and Free when you perform.
Prizes: 1st Place Winner
1000 Printed CD’s/ DVD’s
5000 promotion flyers
10 Posters
4’ – 6’ Banner
A record/ Movie Release Party
2nd Place Winner 100 Printed CD’s
(All contenders will be qualified to receive 15% off of all products from “Flood the Streets” during the month of May.)
Deadline April 20, 2010
Go to: to sign up.

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